Start Up Advisory
Brandy Strategy
Digital Art

Start Up Advisory
Brandy Strategy
Digital Art


Start-up Advisory

Facilitating the building bones of a start-up to bring your idea to life and prepare you to deliver.

Brand Strategy

Development of brand, brand experience and brand elements to tell a cohesive story.

Digital Art

Creation of digital characters and assets, one of one NFTs and generative collections.


The process


A no obligations session to delve into the project and hear all about your excellent ideas, vision, where you might need support, your budget and your time frames.


I mix up a proposal for you with recommendations for how I help with advisory, strategy, branding and/ or digital art.

Research & Development

I begin researching, pulling extra information, examples, references etc together to start developing a draft, sense checking with you along the way.

First look

First formal presentation of the strategy/ concept / art with rational and direction.

Feedback & Refinement

Your opportunity to provide more formal feedback to guide refinements and tweaks working towards a final deliverable.

Handover &

Final handover of the deliverables along with some final tips and advice on use to maximise results.

The Process



Applicable if you are pre-mint or pre-seed funding.

Payment in three parts:

  1. Upfront upon confirmation of scope (approx 33%)

  2. Progress installments (approx 33%)

  3. Post-mint/ funding payment (approx 33%)

Up & Running

Applicable if you have already minted or undergone a funding round.

Payment in two parts:

  1. Upfront upon confirmation of scope (approx 10-15%)

  2. Progress installments (approx 85-90%)

Indicative Pricing

Get in touch

Get in touch

I'm always down for a chat to see if we can line up an opportunity or idea.

Twitter: Earlyart_SOL
Discord: early_nz

I'm always down for a chat to see if we can line up an opportunity or idea.

Twitter: Earlyart_SOL
Discord: early_nz